Five Perfect Playlists for Five Niche Moods

I have a problem; I have over 250 Spotify playlists.

It’s a distinct need to have a playlist for every specific mood, event, and occurrence in my life. Whether it’s something joyful like playing with puppies, or something more somber like finishing a study sesh on the verge of tears, I need the right music. 

The AFZ team and I curated five perfect playlists for five different niche moods to suit these moments in life. Enjoy the listens, and let us know what you want to hear next!

CLICK HERE FOR #1: you just went on a third date 

just went on a third date spotify playlist- Five Perfect Playlists For Five Niche Moods

Do I need to explain more? They picked you up for a day out of thrifting, pastries, and coffee. You are infatuated and practically planned the wedding. They drop you off at home and you run into your room, lay on the floor, and turn on this playlist.

CLICK HERE FOR #2: missing your long-distance friends 

missing long distance friends spotify playlist- Five Perfect Playlists For Five Niche Moods

As an out-of-state college student, this one hits home the hardest. I listen to these songs when I miss my people. Sometimes, all we need is a hug from one person, but they live hundreds of miles away. Whether you met in fourth grade or last year, we all miss our long-distance friends.

CLICK HERE FOR #3: studying at 2 am on the verge of tears

Studying at 2am on the verge of tears spotify playlist

Students, this is for you. We see you, and we are here for you. Maybe it is finals season, maybe you have a big paper due tomorrow, or maybe you are just sad studying in general. This is a tear-jerker. Crying is healthy, don’t let them tell you otherwise.

CLICK HERE FOR #4: you crushed that interview! 

crushed that interview spotify playlist

Great job! You did it! All of the preparation has paid off, you crushed that interview. You felt like you were best friends with the interviewers. You can see yourself grabbing coffee before walking into the office – or even drinks with coworkers when you get off. Ride the high with songs that make you feel on top of the world.

CLICK HERE FOR #5: playing with kittens and puppies 

playing with kittens and puppies spotify playlist

When life gets a bit ruff or purr-haps you need an instant mood lift, this playlist of songs can be your your go-to remedy. Whether you like animals or not, let this playlist transport you to a world of joy and free of worries. Enjoy this mood booster, you deserve it.

Check out the AFZ Spotify for these playlists, New Music Fridays, and tons more music content.

Written and curated by Kenzie Trikorous. Graphics by Patti Doud and Kenzie Trikorous. Curation contributions by all AFZ Team members. Please credit @kenzcat3.jpeg and @almostfamouszine if reposting content.

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